Starry Stonewart Update

We had a very productive meeting today to discuss the Starry Stonewort outbreak in the Rush Lake channel.

The meeting was recorded. You can watch it here.

We were able to develop a short term plan to be implemented this fall. The immediate steps are:

  1. DNR AIS Specialists Camden Droppo and Rich Rezanka dove the area on October 3, 2024. The Starry is mostly contained within the original area. No additional outbreaks were found downstream in Rush, Cross, Daggett or Little Pine.

  2. WAPOA  will contract for an underwater silt fence to surround the area. This will provide containment of the area and limit the amount of water flow through the area. PLM located barrier fencing at Ruth Lake in Emily. They have approximately 400 feet of fencing, and we have asked if we can purchase additional fencing if needed. Michael Duncan is working to get the Ruth Lake fencing to the site. PLM has targeted next Wednesday, Oct 9th, for the installation.

  3. Camden and Rich will coordinate hand pulling of the Starry. 3 to 5 helpers will be needed to load the Starry into trailers to be hauled to a predetermined location. John Forney contacted the City of Crosslake about hauling the Starry to their burn pit. Michael Duncan is contacting Jim Chamberlin about taking it to an organic farmer in the watershed – this is the method that the Koronis Lake Association used.

  4. PLM will provide chemical treatment of the area based on the recommendation of Dr. Ryan Wersal, University of Minnesota Mankato, AIS treatment specialist.

    1. A DNR permit application has been filed.

    2. The Approval forms and letters were sent to the affected homeowners October 3, 2024, and have been signed and returned.

  5. Current buoys in place will be removed prior to ice in.

Phase two planning (Now thru next April):

  1. Purchase warning buoy system to be put in place spring 2025.

  2. Discussions with city and township officials regarding non-public lake access points to provide better prevention efforts and control potential access points for new AIS.

  3. Evaluate new signage and placement of CD3 cleaning stations at accesses that remain open.

  4. Update WAPOA AIS Contingency Plan.

The attendees were:

MN Department of Natural Resources – Rich Rezanka & Cam Droppo, AIS Specialists
MAISRC – Dr. Nick Phelps, Dr. Dan Larkin, and Dr. Ryan Wersal, Researchers; Cori Mattke, Assoc Director
Army Corps of Engineers – Corrine Hodapp
City of Crosslake –  TJ Graumann, Park & Rec Director; Justin Purfeerst, Council member
Ideal Township – John Bilek, Board Chair
Crow Wing County – Gary Griffin, Land Services Director; Jessica Shea, Amy Stoneking & Erik Hidalgo, AIS Team; Jon Lubke, County Commissioner (represents the WF Lakes area)
WAPOA – Tony Coffey, President; John Forney & Tom Watson, Past Presidents; Robb Reid, AIS Director; Kay Rezanka
Lake Koronis Lake Association – Kevin Farnum

Everyone in attendance was very supportive and offered assistance as their agencies were able. We are very grateful for all their knowledge and input.


Starry Stonewart Update


2024 Annual Meeting Summary