John (Jack) O. Wallschlaeger Memorial
Memorial Gifts for Jack Wallschlaeger
In 2012, WAPOA and the Pine River Watershed Alliance with the professional assistance of the Initiative Foundation of Little Falls, Minnesota, created the Land & Waters Preservation Trust, a special endowment opportunity for the stewardship of our lakes and streams. Per Jack Wallschlaeger’s family’s wishes, memorial gifts in tribute to Jack Wallschlaeger may be made to the Land & Waters Preservation Trust, a permanent endowment fund for the Whitefish Chain of Lakes and Pine River Watershed.
To Donate: Write checks to “Initiative Foundation/Land & Waters Trust”, make note on the memo line that your memorial gift is in honor of “Jack Wallschlaeger”, and mail to: Initiative Foundation, 405 1st St SE, Little Falls, MN 56345.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your Initiative Foundation contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. The Initiative Foundation owns and manages financial contributions to the Land & Waters Preservation Trust. No goods or services will be exchanged for your gift.
In Memoriam
Jack Wallschlaeger 1932 – 2013
Jack Wallschlaeger, leader of WAPOA’s water quality program for many years, explains a detail of WAPOA water quality map .
The lakes and rivers of Minnesota have lost a true steward and a real champion. And, everyone who loves the waters in the lake country has lost a leader with an incredible passion and an ability to preserve and protect that gift. Jack was both a visionary and a doer. He knew and appreciated the intricate balance that needs to be maintained to make sure our lakes, streams, and rivers are here for us to enjoy today but will also be here for future generations.
Jack Wallschlaeger, leader of WAPOA’s water quality program for many years, explains a detail of WAPOA water quality map .
A partial listing of Jack’s volunteer activities include:
Board of Directors, WAPOA
President, 1996-1998
Vice President
Nominating Committee
Directed Survey of 2,500 Septic Systems on Whitefish Chain
Water Quality Committee Chair
Board of Directors and Vice President, Crow Wing Environmental Protection Association
Board of Directors, Crow Wing County Lakes and Rivers Association
Board of Directors, Crow Wing County Water Planning Advisory Board
Charter Member, Pine River Watershed Protection Foundation
Board of Directors, Pine River Watershed Alliance
Chair, Crow Wing County Board of Adjustment
North Central Lakes Area Shoreline Management Rules Project Committee
DNR Shoreline Rules Update Advisory Committee
First Responder, Ideal Township
North Central Minnesota Lakes Project “2006 Water Protection Award”
Crow Wing County Lakes and River Alliance “2008 Water Warrior Award”
Minnesota Lakes Association
Board of Directors
Vice President
2011 Volunteer of the Year (with his wife, Judy Wallschlaeger)
The nomination for the 2011 Volunteer of the Year captured the essence of Jack Wallschlaeger.
Jack had “a clear vision like many, but like very few, he possessed an extraordinary commitment to making it happen for Minnesota’s lake legacy. He had a love of the lakes in his blood, and worked hard to save our lakes and water resources. He had an extraordinary commitment to making things happen.”
More of Jack’s Contributions
Jack was involved in a lot of studies that, to this day, continue to benefit the research in the Pine River Watershed.
Phosphorus Export from Bungo Creek (2005)
Phosphorus Export from the Pine River (2003)
Phosphorus Loading Study (2001)